The Mobius Vector: The Long Road Home
A signed copy of The Mobius Vector: The Long Road Home is available from the author ([email protected] to PayPal, rthieme_thiemeworks to Venmo, or by check) for $20 (a good discount) + $5 mailing. It is available at Amazon for Kindle, and in print, and in a bundle of the whole trilogy.
When an NSA senior told Richard Thieme “The only way you can tell the truth is through fiction,” he was right. The labyrinthine tapestry of the Mobius Trilogy is a tour de force as Thieme tells “the least untruthful things” he can about the powerful and often traumatic impacts of life on the edges of a dark world.
The Mobius Trilogy is the result of thirty years working with security and intelligence professionals all over the world. In various guises–as a contractor and contributor, a speaker, a confidante for hurting friends, a keen observer of human behavior–Thieme manifests the unique sensibility that enabled him to immerse himself in that work and world and illuminate it with style and grace. As one reader said, “Thieme writes Mobius: A Memoir with all the tragic beauty of a fallen angel.”
The Mobius trilogy is the story of an intelligence professional coming to terms with the personal consequences of his work. The second book is now available. The Mobius Vector: The Long Road Home is a tale of Mobius’ learning to live as a whistleblower after decades in intelligence and his subsequent search for redemption, love–and revenge when a colleague is killed. It is a romance with a difference: to learn to tell the truth after a lifetime of lying and prying and spying is not trivial.
“Mobius is both real and surreal,” wrote a former KGB illegal, one of many who saw their lives reflected in the Mobius mirror.
So it is.
In Mobius Out of Time: The End of the Journey, the third book of the trilogy now in progress, Mobius will tell Valerie, his new mate, he wants to write The Mobius Vector and tell more of the truth he hadn’t disclosed in the memoir.
Valerie says, “Your stories about being a whistleblower and the company that killed your friend and your revenge and everything you felt, you’ll put all that in the second book? And our story too?”
“Why not? It’s all true.”
“You did leave out a lot in the memoir.”
“I hadn’t realized how much I left out because I wasn’t aware of it yet. The layers of the trilogy go deeper and deeper as I have the guts to remember it all. I want to tell my real story… before I’m out of time.”