Hacker Generations

By Richard Thieme This article was published simultaneously in the program for Def Con 11 (August 2003), on the hactivismo and Linux World (Australia) web sites, and in the Dutch information security magazine Informatiebeveiliging which is published by Genootschap...

A Review of “Intelligence” by Susan Hasler

Intelligence by Susan Hasler (Thomas Dunne Books. St. Martin’s Press: New York 2010) A review by Richard Thieme There is enough white-hot rage in this book to steam a skunk. Take that as a compliment. Twenty-one years at the CIA in diverse capacities would generate...

Straight Talk on Useability

Straight Talk I write an column called “Islands in the Clickstream” that is disseminated over the Internet. It’s about our interaction with new technologies and the larger issues of our lives that they raise. One reader wrote that more and more of my columns were...

Computer Power and the Power of God

originally published in The Christian Century Computer Power and the Power of God by Richard Thieme Four years ago, I wrote an essay on computer applications for spirituality. As I discussed specific applications, I realized that something more essential than the...

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