When Privacy Goes Poof!

When Privacy Goes Poof!

When Privacy Goes Poof! Why It's Gone and Never Coming Back “Get over it!” as Scott McNeeley said – unhelpfully. Only if we understand why it is gone and not coming back do we have a shot at rethinking what privacy means in a new context. Thieme goes...


Biohacking A Voyage on the High Seas without GPS, Sextant or Compass Distinguishing the transhumanist hype from the sane science is not always easy. Then add the antics of real hackers to the mix – adventuresome sometimes reckless souls who want to tease out of a...
Playing Through the Pain

Playing Through the Pain

Playing Through the Pain The Impact of Dark Knowledge and Secrets on Security and Intelligence Professionals Dismissing or laughing off concerns about what it does to a person to know critical secrets does not lessen the impact on life, work, and relationships of...
Critical Thinking for Def Con Kidz

Critical Thinking for Def Con Kidz

Critical Thinking for Def Con Kidz Biohacking and UFOs and How To Think This short mini-keynote for r00tz Asylum spoke to “kidz” ages 6-16 on critical thinking, using biohacking and UFO studies as examples. ← The Only Way to Tell the Truth is in...

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