On the Edges
Articles, book reviews, interviews and explorations of edgier subjects such as UFO phenomena, remote viewing, etc. through the years.
A Confession: Out of the Closet on UFOs
An op ed in the crossroads section of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Let me put it to you straight. For 35 years I have been exploring and investigating UFOs and UFOlogy (both the serious endeavor and the silly speculative fare that fills popular culture) and ......
A Short List of Selected Resources on UFOs for further reading
A Short List of Selected Resources on UFOs UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry (Anomalist Books: 2012) by Dr. Michael Swords, a retired professor who taught at Western Michigan University for 30 years, and Robert Powell, with co-authors Clas Svahn,...
Interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on “UFOs and Government”
http://www.jsonline.com/entertainment/arts/how-us-government-spun-the-ufo-tale-cs7ljrk-181244271.html How U.S. government spun the UFO tale Fox Point writer contributes to book that lays out official obfuscation By Jackie Loohauis-Bennett...
“thoroughly researched and enjoyable, a magnificent contribution to our knowledge” – a review by Keith Basterfield
"UFOs and Government." Keith Basterfield As many blog readers will be aware, I facilitated a team of Adelaide based researchers (members of the Australian UFO Research Association) who looked for, located, and documented the file holdings of the Australian...
“the best book about the UFO phenomena that was ever written” – a review by Giuliano Marinkovic
"UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry" is an exceptional and exciting book. Written by the UFO History Group - serious researchers and historians composed of Swords, Powell, Svahn, Olmos, Chalker, Greenwood, Thieme, Aldrich and Purcell - it brings analytical...
“a triumph of sober, conscientious scholarship unlikely to be equaled for years to come” – a review
UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry A Book Review By Jerome Clark Among the most discussed issues in UFO history, dating back to the advent of flying discs in the latter 1940s, are these: What does the U.S. government know about UFOs, and is it concealing...
Stalking the UFO Meme. or, How to Build a UFO … Story
Stalking the UFO Meme by Richard Thieme published as "How to Build a UFO ... Story" in Internet Undergr0und. November 1996 (Vol 1, Issue 12) "There is Thingumbob shouting!" the Bellman said. "He is shouting like mad, only hark! He is waving his hands, he is waggling...
A Review in CHOICE recommending inclusion in all academic libraries
CHOICE: a publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries. A Division of the American Library Association. www.choicemag.org CURRENT REVIEWS FOR ACADEMIC LIBRARIES FEBRUARY 2013 VOL. 50 NO.06 SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES History, Geography...
“The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up” by Terry Hansen
“The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up” by Terry Hansen Xlibris. 2000. Reviewed by Richard Thieme IUR, International UFO Reporter, Spring 2001 (Volume 26, Number 1) a publication of the J. Allen Hynek Center for the Study of UFOs It is a staple...
UFOs and the Internet
[This summer marks the 50th anniversaries of the first modern publicized report of UFO phenomena by Kenneth Arnold in June 1947 and the "Roswell incident" in July 1947. This column is much abridged from the articles "How to Build a UFO ... Story" (Internet...
A Tale of Two Sciences: Memoirs of a Dissident Scientist by Peter A. Sturrock
A Tale of Two Sciences: Memoirs of a Dissident Scientist by Peter A. Sturrock (Exoscience: Palo Alto) 2009. by Richard Thieme “A Tale of Two Sciences: Memoirs of a Dissident Scientist,” by Dr. Peter A. Sturrock, is a personal work by the well-known Stanford physicist...
Interview with Mark Rodigher, Scientific Director of CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies)
Interview with Mark Rodigher, Scientific Director of CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) MR: The Roswell case has been further strengthened. A living witness, a name you would recognize, has revealed more than he has ever said before. Confirming things like yes, there...